2010 As Seen By My iPhone

Here’s my iPhone retrospective, 2010!

My iPhone continues to be a primary inspiration for me, photographically. It’s almost always with me, and walking around doing street photography and impromptu portraits and abstract art has done as much for me as anything else in terms of developing my eye for light and composition.

My iPhone portfolio (badly in need of updating) continues to be popular with clients, and I have to say I get more pleasure out of curating collections like this one than almost anything else! It’s just the pure, simple joy of photography, with no business concern, no post-processing, no deadlines…..just images.

I love it. Enjoy the show!

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10 responses to “2010 As Seen By My iPhone

  1. “Unidentified Woman, Yelling at Me” = hahahahahaha

    Nice collection. Joe McNally’s got nothing on you!

  2. Nice- are these all with a 3Gs or are some with a 4?

  3. In general I’m not a huge fan of iPhone photography (maybe because i get so annoyed at my own attempts to produce art with it), but some of these are really fantastic. I think they definitely are better than the photos in your portfolio gallery now.

  4. Great shots Scott but I have to know why she was yelling at you 🙂

  5. well, that is an identified woman! funny pic 🙂 I pictured a crazy story behind it.

  6. Thanks for sharing your joy! Your photography and your writing is always an inspiration to me. Happy New Year! 01-01-11